
We prepared the 2008 Beijing Olympics(6)

(9), Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out that the society is the degree of social civilization and an important hallmark of social value orientation is a concentrated expression. He advocated the "eight-eight shame" as the main content of the socialist concept of honour is ushered in social habits of a banner for us to greet the Olympic Games, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices specified in the direction. And Olympic contractors, but also give us a practice of socialist concept of honor or disgrace a vivid carrier. This is what we learn and absorb the Olympic and world civilization excellent culture of opportunity, but also we get rid of existing practices and transform the unhealthy practice, updating an excellent opportunity for the concept of civilization. Nearly flame, we meet, is not only a Chinese athletes had the honour of the sports arena combat competition is not only an ancient city to change the face of the construction project, but also all business is not only an economic and trade event, is a national spirit. Display, a quality of the people of temper, a social atmosphere of baptism.

(10) victory athletic stadium is the focus and results of the charm of sports is in the ever-changing, complex twists and turns of the competitive process. Civilization participate in the competition, rational treatment of winning or losing, sports Perspective on the outcome of a national and breadth of vision. "Olympic Games, participation is more important than winning." Founder of the modern Olympic movement Coubertin said: "life is important is not the triumph, but struggle, its essence is not to win, but to become more human Courageous, more robust, more cautious, more Luolataifang. "Grounding competitive strength of the process, but also the spirit of sports competition and the attitude of forging. Tens of thousands of audience applause and encouragement to send to the perseverance of competition, this is the Olympic Games of ancient tradition, is also the host of the bearing and demeanor. Instead, the stadium stirred up trouble, keep Dao Cai, "scolded Beijing" must not "lose" mentality led to a lack of sensible conservation and the words and deeds, not only undermine fair competition in the stadium civilization, and the Olympic movement runs counter to the spirit and Moral, Damage to a country and the nation's image. China was once the world of sports to compete for the weak, Beijing to host the Olympic Games have experienced setbacks, not arrogance wins, lost not Bushnell, we should do a better job in this regard.
